
Sorry Works! Blog

Making Disclosure A Reality For Healthcare Organizations 

Important Resource for COVID-19 Crisis....


Sorry Works! has remained mostly quiet over the last couple weeks. It didn't seem right to be talking about medical errors or advocating for disclosure & apology as doctors and nurses are literally engaged in a life-and-death struggle. We are still conducting our survey research projects, but will remain quiet on advocacy until this crisis passes. We will use this quiet time to advance other projects. Hopefully our advocacy work will return soon along with the rest of all other normal, every-day activities.  

Today, I am using the Sorry Works! platform to share what may be a very important viewpoint for the COVID-19 crisis.  See what you think, and if you agree I encourage you to share.  

To me, a big part of the problem with the COVID-19 crisis is the optics are all screwed up....on one side we have Trump the salesman trying to save his economy (and his re-election) versus physician and Washington insider Dr. Fauci (he has served six Presidents dating back to Reagan) advocating the medicine and trying to save lives. Both are right, and both are wrong, and neither is communicating well enough to close the gap in our badly fractured country.  We are not one, yet.  Right now, there are passionate, well-intentioned people on both sides of this crisis.  Some feel not enough is being done and are literally scared for their lives, while others believe it's overkill and are scared for their livelihoods.  Neither sides feels heard.   
I am pursuing a MA in Bioethics at Ohio State (online program).  This week we had a module that included an interview with Michael Osterholm, PhD by Joe Rogan.  The optics were perfect.  Here is the video interview. 
Rogan is a "Joe-Everyone" (and probably a Trump supporter) yet he's intelligent and articulate. Dr. Osterholm is well-published, has worked for Presidents, and actually predicted this outbreak three years ago. During the interview linked above, Rogan asked many of the questions on the minds of those in the Heartland, and Osterholm answered as a teacher, not as a condescending, know-it-all public health expert. Osterholm also gave a lot of straight talk...such as this is going to be with us for many months, but all the hand washing is not really useful for this particular virus (breathing in the air of infected people is the primary vector of infection, says Osterholm).  Also, COVID-19 is definitely different and worse than the flu, but kids probably need to be back in school, and so on.   
Another interview of Osterholm appeared a few days later.  Again, Osterholm offers more straight talk, including saying that long-term lock downs are not realistic and we need to thread the needle between safety and salvaging jobs. 

There is a real debate brewing within our country over continuing the lock down versus opening open. It's a complex issue that both sides are trying to oversimplify, and if either side wins out completely we may all lose.  I have believed my entire adult life that the truth and solutions are often found in the middle (it's how Sorry Works! is anchored), and for my money Osterholm advocates an intelligent middle ground approach anchored in what he describes as "straight talk."  

We are all consuming lots of media with this crisis (it literally feels like 9/11 again).  For your media consumption today, please review the content linked above.  Furthermore, please consider sharing with friends and colleagues, and help Osterholm's message rise about the pandemonium. 

Stay safe and healthy.

- Doug

Doug Wojcieszak, Founder and President
Sorry Works!
PO Box 531
Glen Carbon, IL 62034

Doug Wojcieszak