Build a Disclosure Program

Build a disclosure program

For your hospital, nursing home, medical practice, or group of insureds to experience the full benefits of disclosure (fewer lawsuits, improved safety, closure and healing for clinical staff), you must develop a formal disclosure program.  There are several steps to consider. 

You first need to find the “disclosure champions” within your organization.  Champions can be found in the medical and nursing staff, risk, claims, legal, patient experience, and c-suite.  Task these champions with revising your disclosure policy, or creating a policy for the first time.  The policy will be used to train your staff, with your champions leading these training sessions.  Going forward, your champions will form the core of your disclosure team…these are the folks who will be on call 24/7 to help colleagues through difficult discussions with patients and families.  Your disclosure team will take a pro-active approach with every adverse event, and shepherd patients, families, clinicians, and your organization through the process including resolution.  Finally, the team will keep your disclosure culture alive by sharing stories of closed cases and ensuring all new hires are properly trained.

To learn more about developing your disclosure program, request your copy of The Sorry Works! Tool Kit by clicking on this link.

You may also contact Sorry Works! directly at 618-559-8168 or