
Sorry Works! Blog

Making Disclosure A Reality For Healthcare Organizations 

Sorry Works! Tool Kit Now Available!

Today we are launching the Sorry Works! Tool Kit. The tool kit has everything that a hospital, long-term care organization, large practice group, or insurer needs to develop and sustain a successful disclosure program. Included is the new Sorry Works! Tool Kit Book, which literally provides a blue print for starting a disclosure program. This new book has step-by-step instructions on how to build your disclosure team, develop your policy, and launch your disclosure program and keep it alive. The book has lots of practical advice, lessons from around the country, cases and stories, and practice cases for you and your team to role play. Also included in the Tool Kit are the Patient/Family Education Document, Sorry Works! PPT slides for front-line staff, and copies of the Little Book of Empathy and Pocket Notes. It's a very comprehensive tool kit developed for c-suite, risk, claims, legal, and medical and nursing leadership. At $37.99 per copy, the Tool Kit is very can pay with credit card or be invoiced by clicking on this link.

You can also purchase individual copies of the Tool Kit Book, Little Book of Empathy, and Pocket Notes by clicking on this link.

Finally, bulk pricing is available for large orders...simply contact 618-559-8168 or for more information.
